Applying for services and hiring

  • It depends.

    If your questions are about how we provide services, and those questions aren't answered on our website (this is rare) then you don’t need to fill out our full application (though it is helpful).

    If your questions are about your case, then you do need to fill out our full application, as we’d need to schedule a consultation to discuss.

  • We respond to all applications within one business day, though often sooner, as we always respond as quickly as we possibly can.

  • Assuming you clear our screening, we'll reach out within 1 business day with a link for you to use to schedule a virtual consultation at your convenience. We typically have availability within a day or two.

  • Folks are often nervous when they meet with attorneys, so it’s always a good idea to have some notes or a list of questions that you can refer to. If there is any documentation that you’d like us to review during your consultation, you’ll want to upload it via the secure link we provide. The most important thing is being in an environment free of distractions.

  • Step 1: Fill out our application.

    Step 2: Meet with an attorney for a consultation.

    Step 3: If you request, and if the attorney determines that we are able to offer services beyond the consultation, we will have you fill out our financial & eligibility statement, which is used to confirm that you are eligible for our services, as well as your hourly rate.

    Step 4: Sign our agreement and pay the required advance fee deposit.

  • Yes and no. What you’re referring to is known as “full representation.”

    For protection order cases, we do offer full representation.

    For family law cases, we do not offer full representation. Instead, we offer limited representation (where we represent you for one aspect of your case) and / or pro se assistance (where you represent yourself, and we assist you with a specific task(s) in the background). While this works for a lot of people, it doesn't work for everyone. That's for you to decide, though we will also offer our advice.

  • Not quite. This is very much a team effort – we can’t do anything without your input.

  • We do not take cases to trial, or assist with any trial-related aspects of a case. Note that we do handle hearings, which are different from trials.


Working Together

  • Most likely, you will be working with both Jessica and Elena. While Jessica and Elena work closely together on cases, Jessica typically takes the lead on pro se assistance and family law cases, and Elena typically takes the lead on protection order cases, though that can vary.

  • As a fully remote office, we work with our clients using some combination of email, phone, and video. Some folks prefer email, some prefer “meeting” (either via phone or video), and some prefer a combination – we’ll always do what feels best for you.

  • We typically work Monday–Thursday from 9-5, and Friday from 9-4. We are closed weekends and holidays.



  • Yes. However, we always try to work with folks to provide services that fit within their budget. Pro se assistance is a great example of this – clients do more legwork, but get expertise and advice from an attorney where they need it most.

  • We are not able to offer payment plans at this time. However, pro se assistance is often a good option for folks looking for alternative arrangements.