Pro Se Assistance

One of the most common services that we provide to folks that have a family law case is pro se assistance. This is where the litigant is representing themselves, and we are assisting them with a specific task or tasks. Often times folks that we work with want and need help from an attorney, but are willing and able to handle many aspects of their case largely on their own. Receiving pro se assistance from an attorney allows them to get legal advice and expertise where they most need it, without incurring the high costs often associated with traditional full representation. We offer pro se assistance for both family law and protection order cases. Some examples of project-based services are: 

  • advice and counsel re: an issue or hearing;

  • drafting court documents (including petitions, motions, declarations, responses, replies, and proposed orders);

  • reviewing / editing documents drafted by the litigant;

  • preparing litigants to represent themselves at a hearing;

  • reviewing / offering advice on settlement offers.