See ya later, 2020!

Can you believe that 2020 is almost over? We sure can't. As we look back at this year, it simultaneously feels like 2020 just started, and also that it has lasted for 28 months.

Our line of work gives us a daily front row seat to the bad that exists in this world, and that can be a struggle even in normal times. In COVID times...yikes. But, our work also gives us countless examples of the incredible good that exists in this world. We see the unbelievable strength and resiliency of our clients, the fierce dedication of our team, and the incredible generosity of our supporters and donors. So, yes, 2020 has been a challenge, but we are also looking back on this year fondly, thanks to you fine folks.

From all of us here at Northwest Advocacy Foundation, we wish you a happy and healthy new year!